Sunday, April 26, 2009

My first post on the new blog

A few people around me thought it would be interesting if I began blogging about my upcoming record ( or CD as kids are calling it ) project and summer tour dates. So here I am.

It's bizarre at this point of my life to talk about or promote myself. People ask me what my goals and expectations are for this project. Simply said, I have only one: to produce an album with at least one song that touches someone's life in some intimate fashion. Musicians have a reputation of being cocky and selfish. And that would be accurate. I know that I've had my share of not so proud moments in my past. However over the past 10 years I have changed my outlook on life tremendously. I have also become a private person in many ways, and I am very content to just spend all of my free time with my wife and family. But I do realize that in order to reach my one objective for this project, I need to get the songs in front of people. Hence the summer tour, blogging, and web site.

So after 3 years and countless recording hours, the album is 90% complete. Both producers Andre Maquera and Hirsh Gardner, have done a fabulous job of bringing my songs to life. They are both magicians and excellent craftsman, depending upon how you look at it. I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with them. The album, title "Bittersweet", will end up containing 11-12 of songs, all written since my move here to the Carolinas in 2006. The songs are very personal and contain both fictional and non-fictional characters and situations. What I am trying to accomplish is to take these personal experiences and weave them into cohesive, transitional ideas with which other people can relate. The kind of song that you hear as you are driving down the road and say to yourself "Wow, this is exactly how I feel". Hopefully I will achieve this.

With regards to the summer tour dates, I am extremely excited about making music with Andre, Frank, Gary, and Hirsh. There's something special about the magic that occurs when you find that certain thread of commonality when performing music with others. It's like a cycle...the more we give the more we get. And to perform in front of people that pay money to see you is truly an honor and humbling experience. I guess this is where the maturity comes into play (smiling) . The photo at the left was taken by me from stage during my last performance with 8084 in 2006. It's exciting to view life from this vantage point and I intend to make the most of this summer's dates, both in preparation and to show my appreciation to anyone that comes to the shows.

I'll post more about the summer dates and the CD shortly.


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